Milk and Cookies!! Everyone <3 it right?? Hence, it is a good news for all the cookie lovers!! There will be a cookies sale on 18th(Wed) n 10th(Thurs) of May XD Just hold your desire for 1 week more!! Hooray~~
Just looking at the awesome cards that they made make me unable to breath!! Most of the cards are in 3D which will make a perfect gift for everyone :D Kelly 'square' (which means there are two person with the same name) are so talented!! Make sure you check them out as 2omorrow is the last day.. FASTER!!
Taylor's Omega Leo Club is under District 308 B2,Region 4 Zone 15.
Advisor :
Ms Elaine
Lion Advisor :
Lion Christopher Voon
Sponsoring Lions Club:
Lions Club of Petaling Jaya
President of Sponsoring Lions Club :
Lion Shankar Pillay